March 6, 2025



Gljušćić, Petar; Zelenika, Saša; Blažević David; Kamenar, Ervin; Kinetic Energy Harvesting for Wearable Medical Sensors. Sensors 2019, 19(22), 4922; DOI: 10.3390/s19224922 [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Perčić, Marko; Zelenika, Saša; Šarić, Iva; Jardas, Daria; Gljušćić, Petar; LFM Characterization of TiO2 Films on a Nanoindenter // Proceedings of the 36th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics / Zemčík, Robert ; Krystek, Jan (ur.). Plzeň, Czech Republic: University of West Bohemia, 2019. str. 33-34 [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Perčić, Marko; Zelenika, Saša; From nanometric to meso-scale characterisation of friction using nanoindentation // Proceedings of the 19th EUSPEN International Conference / Leach, R. K. ; Billington, D. ; Nisbet, C. ; Phillips, D. (ur.). Cranfield, UK: EUSPEN, 2019. str. 72-73 [download]


Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Issues in validation of pre-sliding friction models for ultra-high precision positioning. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 233(2018) , 3; 997-1006. [download accepted manuscript version] The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in [Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science], Vol 233/3, February/2018 published by SAGE Publishing, All rights reserved. <10.1177/0954406218758797>.

Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Characterisation of positioning performances of a mechatronics device actuated via a frictionless voice-coil actuator. Proceedings of the 18th EUSPEN International Conference / Billington, D. ; Phillips, D. (ur.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2018. 61-32. [download]

Perčić, Marko; Zelenika, Saša; Mezić, Igor; Peter, Robert; Krstulović, Nikša. Experimental approach to establishing a model of nanoscale friction. Proceedings of the 18th EUSPEN International Conference / Billington, D. ; Phillips, D. (ur.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2018. 63-64. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Korda, Milan; Zelenika, Saša; Mezić, Igor; Maćešić, Senka. Koopman-based model predictive control of a nanometric positioning system. Proceedings of the 18th EUSPEN International Conference / Billington, D. ; Phillips, D. (ur.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2018. 75-76. [download]

Arrigoni, Tea; Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin; Schnurrer-Luke-Vrbanić, Tea. Design of the Prototype of a Full Arm Mechatronics Rehabilitation Device. Proceedings of the 29th DAAAM International Symposium / Katalinić, B. (ur.). Vienna, Austria : DAAAM International, 2018. 16-24. [download]

Gljušćić, Petar; Zelenika, Saša. Coupled Electromechanical Numerical Modelling of Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters. Proceedings of the 29th DAAAM International Symposium / Katalinić, B. (ur.). Vienna, Austria : DAAAM International, 2018. 9-15. [download]

Gljušćić, Petar; Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin. Characterisation of Performances of Thermoelectric Generators for Energy Harvesting Applications. Proceedings of the 29th DAAAM International Symposium / Katalinić, B. (ur.). Vienna, Austria : DAAAM International, 2018. 25-30. [download]

Arrigoni, Tea; Schnurrer-Luke-Vrbanić, Tea; Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin. Innovative mechatronics device for upper limb rehabilitation. International Society for Prostetics and Orthotics – International Central European ISPO Conference 2018 – Book of Abstracts / Burger, Helena ; Mlakar, Maja (ur.). Ljubljana, slovenija : ISPO Slovenija ; University Rehabiolitation Institute – Republic of Slovenia, 2018. 79-79.

Arrigoni, Tea; Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin. Design of a 3D printed rehabilitation device and testing of its material properties. Book of Abstracts – My First Conference 2018 – 2nd Annual Conference for Doctoral Students of Engineering and Technology / Jardas, Mladen ; Glujić, Darko ; Vukelić, Goran ; Čanađija, Marko ; Travaš, Vanja (ur.). Rijeka, 2018. 3-3.

Gljušćić, Petar; Zelenika, Saša. Experimental characterisation of thermoelectric generators for wearable technology applications. Book of Abstracts – My First Conference 2018 – 2nd Annual Conference for Doctoral Students of Engineering and Technology / Jardas, Mladen ; Glujić, Darko ; Vukelić, Goran ; Čanađija, Marko ; Travaš, Vanja (ur.). Rijeka, 2018. 8-8.


Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Nanometric positioning accuracy in the presence of pre-sliding and sliding friction: modelling, identification and compensation. Mechanics based design of structures and machines. 44(2017) , 1; 111-126. [download accepted manuscript version] The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in <Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines – An International Journal> <2017> <10.1080/15397734.2016.1149487>.

Brumini, Martina; Kamenar, Ervin; Gljušćić, Petar; Zelenika, Saša; Špalj, Stjepan. Determination of efficiency of orthodontic treatment by using engineering tools. Proceedings of the 17th EUSPEN International Conference / Billington, D. ; Phillips, D. (ur.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2017. 479-480. [download]

Perčić, Marko; Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin. Issues in validation of friction in the nanometric domain. Proceedings of the 17th EUSPEN International Conference / Billington, D. ; Phillips, D. (ur.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2017. 105-106. [download]

Arrigoni, Tea; Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin; Schnurrer Luke Vrbanić, Tea; Lenac, Kristijan. Issues in the mechatronics design of a full arm rehabilitation device // Book of Extended Abstracts – My First Conference 2017 / Kvaternik, Sanja ; Torbarina, Fran ; Vitali, Natalija ; Čanađija, Marko ; Travaš, Vanja ; Vukelić, Goran (ur.). Rijeka : Tehnički fakutet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2017. 4-5. [download]

Gljušćić, Petar; Zelenika, Saša. Modelling, optimization and application of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting devices // Book of Extended Abstracts – My First Conference 2017 / Kvaternik, Sanja ; Torbarina, Fran ; Vitali, Natalija ; Čanađija, Marko ; Travaš, Vanja ; Vukelić, Goran (ur.). Rijeka : Tehnički fakutet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2017. 16-17. [download]

Perčić, Marko; Zelenika, Saša. Issues in characterizing parameters influencing nanometric friction // Book of Extended Abstracts – My First Conference 2017 / Kvaternik, Sanja ; Torbarina, Fran ; Vitali, Natalija ; Čanađija, Marko ; Travaš, Vanja ; Vukelić, Goran (ur.). Rijeka : Tehnički fakutet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2017. 40-41. [download]

Jurov, Andrea; Šrut Rakić, Iva; Delač Marion, Ida, Filipič, Gregor; Filipič, Tatjana; Kovač, Janez; Peter, Robert; Kavre Piltaver, Ivna; Šarić, Iva; Perčić, Marko; Krstulović, Nikša. APPJ and PAW assisted nanoparticle impregnation and treatment of polymers // 7th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry / Milošević, slobodan ; Krstulović, Nikša (ur.). Zagreb : LDK-PROMET, 2017. 112-112.

Katić, Višnja; Blagović, Branka; Ciganj, Zlatko; Marković, Kristina; Kamenar, Ervin. Mechanical properties and ion release from nickel-titanium wires with various surface compositions in artificial saliva // EOS 2017 Scientific Posters / Rice, David (ur.). 2017. 97-97.


Kamenar, Ervin. Ultra-high precision positioning via a mechatronics approach. Doctoral thesis. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Enginnering (2016), Supervisor: Zelenika, Saša. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša; Blažević, David; Maćešić, Senka; Gregov, Goran; Marković, Kristina; Glažar, Vladimir. Harvesting of river flow energy for wireless sensor network technology. Microsystem technologies-micro-and nanosystems-information storage and processing systems. 22 (2016) , 3; 15571574. [download accepted manuscript version] This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Microsystem Technologies, Micro- and Nanosystems Information Storage and Processing Systems. The final authenticated version is available online at:

Marković, Kristina; Zelenika, Saša. Optimised cross-spring pivot configurations with minimised parasitic shifts and stiffness variations investigated via nonlinear FEA. Mechanics based design of structures and machines. 45 (2016); 1-15. [download accepted manuscript version] The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in <Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines – An International Journal> <2016> <10.1080/15397734.2016.1231614>.

Zelenika, Saša; Marković, Kristina; Rubeša, Josipa. Issues in the mechanical engineering design of high-precision kinematic couplings. Engineering review : znanstveni časopis za nove tehnologije u strojarstvu, brodogradnji i elektrotehnici. 36 (2016.) , 3; 303-314 [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Compensation of frictional disturbances in ultra-high precision mechatronics devices. Proceedings of the 16th EUSPEN International Conference / Bointon, P. ; Leach, R. ; Southon, N. (ed.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2016. 175-176. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Validation of pre-sliding friction models for ultra-high precision applications. Proceedings of the 16th EUSPEN International Conference / Bointon, P. ; Leach, R. ; Southon, N. (ed.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2016. 167-168. [download]

Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin. Modelling and identification of pre-sliding and sliding friction in ultra-high precision positioning systems. Proceedings of the 16th EUSPEN International Conference / Bointon, P. ; Leach, R. ; Southon, N. (ed.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2016. 187-188. [download]

Katić, Višnja; Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin; Marković, Kristina; Perčić, Marko; Špalj, Stjepan. Mechanical testing of orthodontic archwires. Proceedings of the 16th EUSPEN International Conference / Bointon, P. ; Leach, R. ; Southon, N. (ed.). Cranfield, UK : EUSPEN, 2016. 339-340. [download]


Zelenika, Saša; Kamenar, Ervin. Precizne konstrukcije i tehnologija mikro- i nanosustava I – Precizne konstrukcije. Rijeka : Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2015.

Blažević, David; Zelenika, Saša. Nonlinear numerical modelling and experimental validation of multilayer piezoelectric vibration energy scavengers. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 9517 (2015) ; 95171F-1-95171F-13. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Maćešić, Senka; Gregov, Goran; Blažević, David; Zelenika, Saša; Marković, Kristina; Glažar, Vladimir. Autonomous solutions for powering wireless sensor nodes in rivers. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 9517 (2015) ; 951712-1-951712-13. [download]

Marković, Kristina; Zelenika, Saša. Characterization of cross-spring pivots for micropositioning applications. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 9517 (2015) ; 951727-1-951727-8. [download]

Blažević, David; Zelenika, Saša. Finite element modelling and power estimation of multilayer energy scavengers. Proceedings of the 15th EUSPEN International Conference / Leach, Richard (eds.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro – EUSPEN, 2015. 363-364. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Gregov, Goran; Zelenika, Saša; Blažević, David; Marković, Kristina; Glažar, Vladimir. Experimental characterization of a miniaturized underwater hydro-generator energy harvester. Proceedings of the 15th EUSPEN International Conference / Leach, Richard (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro – EUSPEN, 2015. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Maćešić, Senka; Blažević, David; Gregov, Goran; Zelenika, Saša; Marković, Kristina; Glažar, Vladimir. Piezoelectric eels for powering pollution monitoring wireless sensor networks in watercourses. Proceedings of the 15th EUSPEN International Conference / Leach, Richard (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro – EUSPEN, 2015. 223-224. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Modelling and experimental validation of an ultra-high precision positioning system based on the FPGA architecture. Proceedings of the 15th EUSPEN International Conference / Leach, Richard (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro – EUSPEN, 2015. 247-248. [download]

Marković, Kristina; Zelenika, Saša. Design of optimized cross-spring pivots. Proceedings of the 15th EUSPEN International Conference / Leach, Richard (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro – EUSPEN, 2015. 385-386. [download]


Katić, Višnja; Kamenar, Ervin; Blažević, David; Špalj, Stjepan. Geometrical design characteristics of orthodontic mini-implants predicting maximum insertion torque. The Korean Journal of Orthodontics. 44 (2014) , 4 ; 177-183 [download]

Blažević, David; Zelenika, Saša. Numerical modelling of piezoelectric vibration energy scavenging bimorphs. Proceedings of the 14th EUSPEN International Conference – Vol. 1 / Leach, R. (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro, 2014. 389-392. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša; Blažević, David; Šamanić, Ivan. River flow energy harvesting by employing piezoelectric eels. Proceedings of the 14th EUSPEN International Conference – Vol. 1 / Leach, R. (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro, 2014. 63-66. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša; Franulović, Marina. Precision positioning system with high-speed FPGA-based closed loop control. Proceedings of the 14th EUSPEN International Conference – Vol. 1 / Leach, R. (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro, 2014. 360-363. [download]

Baćac, Nikola; Slukić, Vedran; Puškarić, Miroslav; Štih, Boris; Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Comparison of different DC motor positioning control algorithms. 37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics – Mipro 2014 / Biljanović, Petar (ur.). Rijeka : Grafik, Rijeka, 2014. 1895-1900. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Gregov, Goran; Zelenika, Saša; Blažević, David; Marković, Kristina. Miniaturized underwater hydro generator for powering wireless sensor network nodes. Proceedings 24th International Congress “Energy and the Environment” 2014 / Franković, Bernard (ur.). Rijeka : Croatian Solar Energy Association, 2014. 171-181. [download]


Blažević, David; Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Load optimised piezoelectric generator for powering battery-less TPMS. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 8763 (2013) ; 87631K-1-87631K-10. [download]

Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Micropositioning mechatronics system based on FPGA architecture. 36th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics – Mipro 2013 ; Microelectronics, electronics and Electronic Technology (MEET) / Biljanovic, Petar (ur.). Rijeka : MIPRO, 2013. 138-143. [download]


Blažević, David; Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Vibration energy scavenging powered wireless tire pressure monitoring sensor. Proceedings of the 12th euspen International Conference / Shore, P. ; Spaan, H. ; Burke, Th. (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : EUSPEN, 2012. 408-411. [download]

Zelenika, Saša; Marković, Kristina; Rubeša, Josipa. Optimised kinematic mount configuration for high-precision applications. Annals of DAAAM for 2012. & Proceedings of the 23rd International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). Wienna : DAAAM International, 2012. 319-322. [download]

Blažević, David; Kamenar, Ervin; Zelenika, Saša. Wireless tire pressure monitoring by employing kinetic energy harvesting. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Croatian Society of Mechanics (7ICCSM2012) / Virag, Zdravko ; Kozmar, Hrvoje ; Smojver, Ivica (ur.). Zagreb : Studio HRG, 2012. 113-114. [download]

Zelenika, Saša; Marković, Kristina; Rubeša, Josipa. Precision and stability analysis of Maxwell-type kinematic mounts. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Croatian Society of Mechanics (7ICCSM2012) / Virag, Zdravko ; Kozmar, Hrvoje ; Smojver, Ivica (ur.). Zagreb : Studio HRG, 2012. 175-176. [download]


De Bona, Francesco; Zelenika, Saša; Munteanu, Mircea Gheorgie. Mechanical properties of microcantilevers: Influence of the anticlastic effect. Sensors and actuators. A. 165 (2011) , 2; 431-438. [download]

Stojković, Nino; Kamenar, Ervin; Šverko, Mladen. Optimized Second- and Fourth- Order LP and BP Filters. Automatika. 52 (2011) , 2; 158-168. [download]

Zelenika, Saša; Blažević, David. Issues in validation of performances of piezoelectric vibration-based energy harvesters. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 8066 (2011) ; 806615-1-806615-11. [download]

Blažević, David; Zelenika, Saša. Sensitivity Analysis of Piezoelectric Scavenging of Vibration Energy. Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) – vol. 2 / Spaan, H. ; Shore, P. ; Van Brussel, H. ; Burke, T. (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska : Sieca Repro, 2011. 454-457. [download]


Benasciutti, Denis; Moro, Luciano; Zelenika, Saša; Brusa, Eugenio. Vibration energy scavenging via piezoelectric bimorphs of optimized shapes. Microsystem technologies. 16 (2010), 5; 657-668. [download]

Blažević, David; Zelenika, Saša; Gregov, Goran. Experimental characterisation of off-the-shelf vibration energy scavengers. Proceedings of 10th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) – Vol. II / Spaan, H. ; Shore, P. ; Van Brussel H. ; Burke, T. (ur.). Delft, Netherlands : Sieca Repro, 2010. 290-294. [download]

Blažević, David; Zelenika, Saša; Gregov, Goran. Mechanical analysis of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting devices. 33rd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics – Mipro 2010 ; Microelectronics, electronics and Electronic Technology (MEET) & Grid and Visualization Systems (GVS) / Biljanović, Petar ; Skala, Karolj (ur.). Zagreb : Denona, 2010. 148-152. [download]


Zelenika, Saša; De Bona, Francesco. Nano-positioning using an adaptive pulse width approach. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Part C – Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 223 (2009) , 8; 1955-1963. [download]

Zelenika, Saša; Munteanu, Mircea Gh.; De Bona, Francesco. Optimized flexural hinge shapes for microsystems and high precision applications. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 44 (2009) , 10; 1826-1839. [download]

Brusa, Eugenio; Zelenika, Saša; Moro, Luciano; Benasciutti, Denis. Analytical characterization and experimental validation of performances of piezoelectric vibration energy scavengers. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 7362 (2009) ; 736204-1-736204-12 [download]

Blažević, David; Zelenika, Saša. Characterisation of vibration energy harvesters. Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). Beč, Austrija, 2009. 1837-1838. [download]

Moro, Luciano; Benasciutti, Denis; Brusa, Eugenio; Zelenika, Saša. Caratterizzazione sperimentale di “energy scavengers” piezoelettrici ottimizzati. Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale AIAS. Torino, 2009. [download]


Benasciutti, Denis; Brusa, Eugenio; Moro, Luciano; Zelenika, Saša. Optimised piezoelectric energy scavengers for elder care. Proceedings of 10th Anniversary International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) – Vol. I / Van Brussel, H. ; Brinksmeier, E. ; Spaan, H. ; Burke, T. (ur.). Zuerich : EUSPEN, 2008. 41-45. [download]

Benasciutti, Denis; Brusa, Eugenio; Moro Luciano; Zelenika, Saša. Ottimizzazione di dispositivi piezoelettrici per accumulo di energia. Atti del XXXVII Convegno Nazionale AIAS. Rim : Clua Edizioni Ancona, 2008. [download]


Zelenika, Saša; Balemi, Silvano; Rončević, Branimir. An Integrated Mechatronics Approach to Ultra-Precision Devices for Applications in Micro and Nanotechnology. Recent Advances in Mechatronics / Jablonski, R. ; Turkowski, M. ; Szewczyk, R. (ur.). Berlin-Heidelberg (D), New York (NY, USA) : Springer-Verlag, 2007. 355-359. [download]

Zelenika, Saša; Munteanu, Mircea Gh.; De Bona, Francesco. Transversal and axial compliances of optimised flexural hinge shapes. Proceedings of 7th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) – vol. II / Thornett, E. (ur.). Wien, Austrija : European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN), 2007. 129-132. [download]


De Bona, Francesco; Zelenika, Saša. Design of Compliant Micromechanisms. Microsystems Mechanical Design / De Bona, Francesco ; Enikov, Eniko T. (ur.). Wien (Austria) – New York (NY, USA) : Springer, 2006. pp. 119-134.

Zelenika, Saša; De Bona, Francesco. Design of Microsystems Based on Compliant Structures and Devices. Proceedings DESIGN 2006 – 9th International Design Conference / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). Zagreb, Hrvatska : Fakultet strojarstva i brodobradnje, Zagreb ; Design Society, Glasgow, UK, 2006. [download]

Zelenika, Saša; Munteanu, Mircea Gh.; Henein, Simon. Optimized High-Precision Flexural Hinge Shapes. Engineering and Nanotechnology – Vol. 1. Proceedings of the 6^th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology / H. Zervos (ur.). Wien, Austria, 2006. 353-356. [download]

Zelenika, Saša; Rossetti, Daniel. Compact Ultra-Precision Slits. Proceedings of the 6^th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology – Vol. 1 / H. Zervos (ur.). Wien, Austria, 2006. 301-304. [download]


Zelenika, Saša. Compliant Mechanisms for High-Precision Positioning. Annals of DAAAM for 2004 & Proceedings of the 15th International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). Beč, Austrija : DAAAM International, 2004. 503-504. [download]

Zelenika, Saša. Analytical and Experimental Characterization of Ball-Groove Contact Problems. Proceedings of the 3rd DAAAM International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries – ATDC ’04 / Katalinić, Branko ; Veža, Ivica ; Bilić, Boženko (ur.). Split, Hrvatska : Sveučilište u Splitu – Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje, 2004. 5-80. [download]