March 6, 2025

7th ICCSM in Zadar

Members of Precision Engineering Laboratory participated at the 7th International Conference of the Croatian Society of Mechanics (7ICCSM2012) which was held from May 22nd to 25th 2012 in Zadar, Croatia. Two papers were presented with poster on Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012.

The first paper is „Vibration energy scavenging powered wireless tire pressure monitoring sensor“ from autors David Blažević, Ervin Kamenar and Saša Zelenika. In this work an original solution of a Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor (WTPMS), powered by a piezoelectric bimorph scavenger is presented.

The second paper is „Precision and stability analysis of Maxwell-type kinematic mounts“ from autors Saša Zelenika, Kristina Marković and Josipa Rubeša. Kinematic mounts (KMs) are often used in high-precision applications since they are self-locating and free from backlash, allow sub-micrometric re-positioning in static and dynamic applications, can accommodate differential thermal expansions, are not sensitive to contamination, are characterized by limited costs and their behaviour can be represented in closed form. Their main drawback is constituted by the high contact stresses that are to be analysed via the non-linear Hertz theory. The most common KM design configuration is designated as the Maxwell-type KM and is constituted by 3 V-grooves on one end (typically the support) and 3 spherical tops (typically balls) on the other end of the mount (typically supported piece) so as to achieve an exact constraint of all 6 spatial degrees of freedom (DOFs). The aim of this work is to analyse the influence of mechanical parameters on KMs’ behaviour and especially on their positioning precision and stability. An example of a KM used to support a large structure is considered.

The conference coverd recent developments and applications in solid and structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer using numerical, analytical, and experimental methods.