March 6, 2025

SPIE Microtechnologies Conference 2013

Employees of the Precision Engineering Laboratory visited the SPIE Microtechnologies conference held from April 24th till April 26th in Grenoble, France. The SPIE Microtechnologies is the premier European meeting for the latest research in microtechnologies, from bio-engineered and bio-inspired systems to developments in photonic materials, devices, and applications. It’s an international conference visited by the scientists and engineers from all over the world. The main science fields are: Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VI, VLSI Circuits and Systems VI, Bio-MEMS and Medical Microdevices, Nanotechnology VI and Integrated Photonics: Materials, Devices, and Applications II. In the first theme our team presented a poster entitled ‘Load optimised piezoelectric generator for powering battery-less TPMS’, which can be read here, and which poster can be seen here.

Article about WATPS in Croatian journal “Auto klub”

Article about Original solution for Wireless Autonomous Tire Pressure Sensor (WATPS), was published in Croatian journal “Auto klub” on Semptember, 14th, 2012.
Complete article (Croatian language) in printed edition can be found on the following link:

Auto klub

12th international science conference EUSPEN 2012

Employees of the Precision Engineering Laboratory visited the 12th international science conference EUSPEN 2012, held from 04. to 08.06.2012. in Stockholm. The conference is run and organized by the European society for precision engineering and nanotechnology. It’s an international conference, visited by scientists and engineers from all over the world. The main science themes are: Precision Engineering of Plastic based Electronics and Optronics, Nordic Countries Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Nano & Micro Metrology, Ultra Precision Machines & Control, High Precision Mechatronics, Ultra Precision Manufacturing & Assembly Processes, Important/Novel Advances in Precision Engineering & Nano Technologies. In the last theme our team presented a poster entitled ‘Vibration energy scavenging powered wireless tire pressure monitoring sensor’, which can be read here.

Article about WATPS in Croatian journal “Glas Istre”

Article about Original solution for Wireless Autonomous Tire Pressure Sensor (WATPS) and Precision engineering laboratory activities, was published in Croatian journal “Glas Istre” on July, 27th, 2012.
Complete article, in printed edition, in Croatian language, can be found  on the following link:

Razvili bežični senzor za tlak u gumama kojem ne treba baterija

New FP7 projects have been published

A new calls for FP7 projects have been published. Precision Engineering Laboratory members are planning to apply for chapter II.2.2. NMP.2013.2.2-4 – Materials solutions for durable energy-harvesters. Partners from industry and universities which are interested to collaborate with our team are welcome to contact us via this link.

Article about WATPS in Croatian journal “Novi list”

Article about Original solution for Wireless Autonomous Tire Pressure Sensor (WATPS) and Precision engineering laboratory activities, was published in Croatian journal “Novi list” on July, 9th, 2012.
Complete article, in Croatian language, can be found  on the following link:

Razvili bežični autonomni senzor tlaka kojem ne treba baterija

Complete article in printed edition:

Click here

7th ICCSM in Zadar

Members of Precision Engineering Laboratory participated at the 7th International Conference of the Croatian Society of Mechanics (7ICCSM2012) which was held from May 22nd to 25th 2012 in Zadar, Croatia. Two papers were presented with poster on Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012.

The first paper is „Vibration energy scavenging powered wireless tire pressure monitoring sensor“ from autors David Blažević, Ervin Kamenar and Saša Zelenika. In this work an original solution of a Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor (WTPMS), powered by a piezoelectric bimorph scavenger is presented.

The second paper is „Precision and stability analysis of Maxwell-type kinematic mounts“ from autors Saša Zelenika, Kristina Marković and Josipa Rubeša. Kinematic mounts (KMs) are often used in high-precision applications since they are self-locating and free from backlash, allow sub-micrometric re-positioning in static and dynamic applications, can accommodate differential thermal expansions, are not sensitive to contamination, are characterized by limited costs and their behaviour can be represented in closed form. Their main drawback is constituted by the high contact stresses that are to be analysed via the non-linear Hertz theory. The most common KM design configuration is designated as the Maxwell-type KM and is constituted by 3 V-grooves on one end (typically the support) and 3 spherical tops (typically balls) on the other end of the mount (typically supported piece) so as to achieve an exact constraint of all 6 spatial degrees of freedom (DOFs). The aim of this work is to analyse the influence of mechanical parameters on KMs’ behaviour and especially on their positioning precision and stability. An example of a KM used to support a large structure is considered.

The conference coverd recent developments and applications in solid and structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer using numerical, analytical, and experimental methods.

Festival of Science 2012

At the 10th Festival of Science in the City Hall of Rijeka on the April 27th a lecture titled “10 batteries less for a cleaner environment and safe driving” was presented by David Blažević & Ervin Kamenar.

Festival of Science is an event which aims to inform the public on activities and results in science, to improve public perception of scientists and and to motivate young people to research new fields and acquire new knowledge.

The lecture topic was related to the previous project named “Wireless Autonomous Tire Pressure Sensor (WATPS)” which was successfully completed in August 2011. WATPS is battery-less tire pressure sensor based on the harvesting of kinetic energy produced by environmental vibrations.

This years Festival of Science event was celebrating its 10th anniversary and the lecture topic was related to the number ten since in the working lifetime of a car, 10 batteries should be replaced in wireless pressure sensors for them to function properly (Battery lasts for about 7 years, car lifetime is about 13 years and it has 5 wheels including the spare wheel).

Opening ceremony of this event was held at City Hall Korzo on Monday, April 23rd, 2012.


The vibration analysis of CNC vertical machine (Karusel) “Mario Carnaghi” TG20/2500

In collaboration with the Department of Engineering Mechanics, Machine Dynamics Laboratory, vibration analysis of a CNC vertical machine (Karusel) “Mario Carnaghi” TG20/2500 was conducted. Measurements and analysis were performed in February 2012. for “ULJANIK Strojogradnja”, a subsidiary of ‘Uljanik’ shipyard, Pula, Croatia. Final report concerning the vibration problems within the machine was concluded in March 2012. We wish to thank Prof. Žigulić and Prof. Braut for sharing their insights and expert knowledge, and for cooperation with the Precision Engineering Laboratory.





First Open Access Week in Croatia

On the First Open Access Week in Croatia at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka,  on 27th October  the project “Wireless Autonomous Tire Pressure Sensor (BAST)” was presented.

Opening Speech for the First Open Access Week in Croatia was held at Atrium of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka 26th October at 12:00. Event lasted for two days.

‘Wireless Autonomous Tire Pressure Sensor’ Project

In August 2011 at the Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka, the project entitled “Wireless Autonomous Tire Pressure Sensor (BAST)” funded by the Business Innovation Center of Croatia (BICRO) was successfully completed. The project was evaluated as fifth among the submitted projects in Croatia. The concept of the autonomous battery-less tire pressure sensors based on the harvesting of kinematic energy of environmental vibrations was proven in laboratory and real on-road conditions. Details filmed during the project development are given below.

Part 1:

Part 2: