March 6, 2025

Keysight G200 Nanoindenter

  • The device is thermally as well as dynamically (and acoustically) isolated.

  • Electromagnetic actuation (voice coil principle), i.e. load generation: max 0.5 N with a 50 nN resolution; additional built-in high-load system with 0.1 mN … 10 N load range. Loading system stiffness (guided by leaf springs): 5.106 N/m.

  • Capacitive displacement measurement: resolution < 0.01 nm for > 500 mm displacement range. Obtainable straightness in a

    100 mm range is within 10 nm.

  • 4 samples in a 100 x 100 mm sample holder with a scanning resolution of 0.1 mm and 1 mm accuracy; automatically controlled (closed loop based on incremental encoders). Measurement of elasticity modulus and hardness according to ISO 14577.

  • Enables LFM with a ≤ 2 mN resolution and max lateral force

    ≥ 250 mN. Low-force measurements enable obtaining surface topology after indentation.

  • Berkovich, cube corner, conical, spherical and Vickers tips. System for sample visualization (10x and 40x zoom), microscope with CCD camera and data analysis SW.

Examples of measurements – mechanical testing of orthodontic archwires: