March 6, 2025

Collaboration with School of Medicine in Rijeka

Update (09-13-2014):

As a result of collaborative research between School of Medicine in Rijeka and Precision Engineering Laboratory of Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka,  an article has been published in The Korean Journal of Orthodonics and can be read here.

Colaboration with School of Medicine in Rijeka

The Precision Engineering Laboratory has established cooperation with the School of Medicine in Rijeka. Measurement of special screws with small dimensions which are used in orthodontics was conducted using the Optical Stereomicroscope Olympus SZX16.

Characteristic properties (size, pitch angle etc.) of the screws were measured since the manufacturer does not provide this information in their catalogs for this type of special screws. Measurements were carried out in order to further analyze the influence of the dimensions of the screws on the percentage of successful operations on patients.

Measurements and analysis were performed and the final report was made in March 2012. We wish to thank Prof. Stjepan Špalj and Prof. Barbara Mady Maričić from the School of Medicine in Rijeka, Chair of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics for cooperation with the Precision Engineering Laboratory.

Also, we wish to thank to our students: Arian Karabegović, Jelena Srnec and Dražen Žužić for their assistance during the measurements.