March 6, 2025

Bruker Dimension Icon Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM)

  • AFM and STM modules in one device.

  • Supports contact and tapping mode (closed loop control keeps the force (deflection of the beam which holds the tip) constant, which limits the contact forces to < 200 pN, i.e. a value far lower than the tapping forces of other devices – PeakForce tapping).

  • Enables measurements of elasticity modulus, adhesion, lateral force (LFM), spectroscopy and force modulation, electrochemical analysis, electric field and magnetic forces, surface potential, piezoelectric force; enables also nanolitography, …

    Option to measure in liquid for biotechnical applications and measurements with heating/cooling of the samples, …

    Imaging of measured data on 5’120 x 5’120 pixels.

  • Samples fixed to the support via a vacuum chuck can be up to few millimetres in size, with bidirectional positioning repeatability of 3 mm on a scanning area of up to 90 x 90 mm.

  • Includes heat (creep < 200 pm/min) and vibration isolation (1” Si damping cushion + compressed air → < 30 pm RMS), microscope and CCD camera, control SW, …

  • PeakForce Tapping™ is an AC imaging technique, i.e., the cantilever is oscillated but well below resonance.

  • This results in a continuous series of force-distance curves.

  • In addition to direct force control by keeping the peak force constant, a multitude of material properties can be extracted and quantified from the force-distance curve at each pixel within an image, such as modulus, adhesion force, and deformation depth.

Examples of measurements – mechanical testing of orthodontic archwires (topographies of NiTi, Rh NiTi and N NiTi):


Examples of measurements – ball element and sliding surface of linear guideways:


Keysight G200 Nanoindenter

  • The device is thermally as well as dynamically (and acoustically) isolated.

  • Electromagnetic actuation (voice coil principle), i.e. load generation: max 0.5 N with a 50 nN resolution; additional built-in high-load system with 0.1 mN … 10 N load range. Loading system stiffness (guided by leaf springs): 5.106 N/m.

  • Capacitive displacement measurement: resolution < 0.01 nm for > 500 mm displacement range. Obtainable straightness in a

    100 mm range is within 10 nm.

  • 4 samples in a 100 x 100 mm sample holder with a scanning resolution of 0.1 mm and 1 mm accuracy; automatically controlled (closed loop based on incremental encoders). Measurement of elasticity modulus and hardness according to ISO 14577.

  • Enables LFM with a ≤ 2 mN resolution and max lateral force

    ≥ 250 mN. Low-force measurements enable obtaining surface topology after indentation.

  • Berkovich, cube corner, conical, spherical and Vickers tips. System for sample visualization (10x and 40x zoom), microscope with CCD camera and data analysis SW.

Examples of measurements – mechanical testing of orthodontic archwires:

Shimadzu Autograph AGS-X micro-tensile machine

Measurement of mechanical properties (hardness, elasticity modulus, …) of metals, ceramics, polymers, rubber and composites up to 5 kN with 2 mN and 10 µm resolutions.


Examples of measurements – measurement of presliding friction of ultra-high precision positioning device:

Examples of measurements – mechanical testing of cured ham:

Metrolaser Vibromet 500V Laser Doppler Vibrometer


With the support of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia a Metrolaser Vibromet 500V Laser Doppler Vibrometer was purchased.  Its characteristics are the following:


Velocity range

5 μm/s to 1000 mm/s

Vibration frequency range

DC to >20kHz

Working distance

1 cm to 5 m

Movement range

0.1 nm to 10 mm


Collimated or Variable Focus (1 m to 5 m)

Surface preparation

Usually not needed

Output signal

Analog, demodulated and 10.7 MHz FM


Laser head 24 x 11.4 x 7.6 cm


Electronic controller 30 x 22 x 6 cm


Laser head 1.4 kg


Electronic controller 3.9 kg

Low-pass filter

1,2,5,10,20 kHz

Input voltage (max)

± 8 V


780 nm, <15 mW, Class Illb 650 nm, <1 mW, Class II

Energy requirements

220V / 50 Hz

Operating temperature range

3 – 45°C

Automatic Precision Positioning and Data Acquisition System

With the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation through the project “A Stronger Europe with MIcro-and NAnotechnologies (SEMINA)” within the founding scheme for scientific co-operation of the Swiss Confederation with Central and Eastern European countries (SCOPES 2005 – 2008), a National Instrumentssystem for automated precision positioning using DC, stepper or voice-coil motors and data acquisition based on optical encoders and LVDTs was purchased. The main characteristic are the following:


LabVIEW 8.6.1 software for graphical programming (8.5 and 8.6 versions also):

  • LabVIEW FPGA Module 8.6: field programmable gate arrays for virtual instruments programming.
PXI 1050:

  • 8 PXI (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation) slots with integrated 4 SCXI (Signal Conditioning Extension for Instrumentation) subsystem slots.
  • SCXI system connected via a bus to the PXI slot enabling the control of SCXI system in multiplex mode.
  • Ideal for applications that require high precision measurement and adjustment of signals.
  PXI 8196:

  • Embedded control computer for PXI and Compact PCI systems.
  • Tests and measurements in real-time.
  • ExpressCard with 34 slots and 4 USB 2.0 ports.
  • RS232 serial port and a parallel port.
PXI 6221:

  • Multifunctional data acquisition card.
  • Two 16-bit analog outputs (833 kS/s).
  • Analog output range ±10 V.
  • 16 16-bit analog inputs.
  • 24 digital I/O; 32-bit counters; digital actuators.
  • Contains PCI, PXI and USB buses.
  • Using the card it is possible to acquire various signals, move actuators and simultaneously execute multiple control loops.
  PXI 7833R (2 pieces):

  • Equipped with reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware which allows processing of data onto the card.
  • 8 16-bit analog inputs (200 kS/s).
  • 8 16-bit analog outputs (200 kS/s).- 96 digital I/O.
  • The core of the device is a Virtex-II FPGA 3M programmed using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.
  • The card can be configured to perform a variety of applications that require precise control and accurate timing.
SCXI 1540:

  • 8 channel analogue LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) module that is used to adjust the signals received from the LVDTs and RVDTs. Each of the 8-channels (333 kS/s) is also a source of AC sensors’ excitation voltage.
  • Low-pass output filter at a cut-off frequency of 250 Hz.
  SCXI 1315:

  • 8-channel terminal block for the NI SCXI 1540 with 6 ports for each channel.
  • Allows easy connecting of LVDTs and RVDTs.
SCB 68 (6 pieces):

  • Protected I/O terminal block that reduces noise and is used to connect the I/O signals to the DAQ device via up to 68 pins.

Optical Stereomicroscope Olympus SZX16


With the support of the Croatian National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development, an OlympusSZX16 optical stereomicroscope  was purchased. Its characteristics are as follows:


  • Magnification ratio: 16.4 (0.7/0.8/1/1.25/1.6/2/2.5/3.2/4/5/6.3/8/10/11.5).
  • Max. magnification: 230x.
  • Resolution: 1.11 µm
  • Fine focusing on 80 mm with a 0.77 mm per turn focusing knob
  • Available stereo pair of bifocal Lenses:
  • SDFPLAPO0.5 x PF

– Aperture: 0.075
– Working length: 70.5 mm

  • SDFPLAPO1.6 x PF

– Aperture: 0.24
– Working length: 30 mm

  • Olympus KL1500 LCD cold light source.
  • Power: 150 W.
  • Olympus DP25 4.9 megapixel digital CCD camera.
  • 8 images per second at a resolution of 2560 x 1920 px.
  • 32 images per second at 640 x 480 px.


Turnable SZ2-STU2 stand:

Different stands for sample fixture and movement:

Agilent InfiniiVision DSO-X 2012A Osciloscope

With the support of the Business Innovation Center of Croatia (BICRO) an Agilent InfiniiVision DSO-X 2012A Osciloscope was purchased. Its characteristics are as follows:


Analog Channels


Digital timing channels

8 on MSO models or with DSOX2MSO upgrade

Bandwidth (upgradable)

100 MHz

Sample rat

1 GSa/s per channel; 2 GSa/s half channel interleaved mode

Memory depth

100 kpts

Waveform update rate

50,000 waveforms per second

WaveGen built-in 20 MHz function generator


Segmented memory


Mask limit testing