
Dani otvorenih laboratorija na RITEH-u
Na Tehničkom fakultetu, Sveučilišta u Rijeci, održani su ONLINE otvoreni dani laboratorija. Članovi Laboratorija za precizno inženjerstvo doc. dr. sc. Ervin Kamenar, asistent Petar Gljušćić, mag. ing. … [Read More...]

The Koopman Operator in Systems and Control
The book on "Koopman Operator in Systems and Control" is now available (electronic and hardcover versions). More information can be found and orders can be made on the webpage: Koopman Operator in … [Read More...]

Defense of the doctoral thesis – M. Perčić
On February 17th 2020, the doctoral thesis entitled "Characterization of Parameters Influencing Friction in the Nanometric Domain" was successfully defended by the member of the Centre for Micr-o and … [Read More...]